Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Next Guitar I Own Will be Full of Hot Air

I can't decide which one to get.
The Gretsch for under $600
My Dream Troy Van Leeuwen Signature Yamaha
The "imitation white falcon" Ibanez Artcore AF105

I think I might vomit a bit if I bought the Ibanez, but it could possibly be the best guitar. I've played a Ibanez before and the only thing which I didn't like was that it sounded bad... That is actually something which is often fixed easily with a little money. A set of Gibson 57 Classic pick-ups at $100 a piece would more than do the job.

Now onto the GretschMy brain tells me not to buy a Gretsch for less than $1000 because somehow the corporate gods at Fender must have rapped Gretsch's pristine name when they bought them in order to do that, or maybe it has less than stealar pick-ups which is not a fixable thing. The Grtesch sound is the DeArmond pickups with Dynasonics or at least DeArmond 2000, and these don't. You can't buy DeArmond pickups online. There is also this guitar too. The thing is crap to Gretsch is often gold to other guitar companies, or at least it was in the past.

I really like the Troy Van Leeuwen guitar. I've always been a big fan of his tone, and he's known to actually use this guitar quite religiously. I've heard a lot of people call it the best rock guitar under $2000. It is just .... expensive you know. Oh gosh Yamaha just sponsor me!

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