Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Revernd Guitars

So I've decided that I need a new guitar, more in the vein of the sound/style I'm growing to love. I want a mid-weight set-neck Double Humbucker. I would love something that looks like a Les Paul but a little different.

I think I'm going to get myself a Reverend. They're still enough below the radar that they're not overpriced yet, and they have some design attributes which makes sense for players more comfortable with Fenders but who want that Gibson sound.

I'm torn between the
Warkhawk II HBand the
Roundhouse HP (gold-top)Although I'm not dead set on a set-neck Their bolt on necks seem interesting enough.

The Jetstream just might be the one which would do the job.
Reverend has a dealer in Scottsdale, Guitar Gallery, and as well Rainbow guitars in Tucson sells them as well.

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